Project Projector

Photo series

Personal project

Art Direction, Photography & Retouching.


Getting funky with a projector & the one and only Anastasiia. With the initial idea of projecting images that, when framed correctly, could create the illusion of Anastasiia being in a cafe, diner or neon-museum, being our starting point; we quickly realised that simply using a projector to illuminate the entire scene was just as captivating.

The goal for this project with Anastasiia was to create a series of creative portraits, using a projector as the main medium, and the predominant source of light.

Shot on Fujifilm X100, 23mm f2.0 Fujifilm Lens
Mastered in Adobe Lightroom CC & Adobe Photoshop CC.


I strongly believe that sticking to one focal length allows the creative process to flow more naturally, as I have to constantly move to reframe the shot; so for this shot I chose to work solely with a 35mm focal length.

I’m always a fan of 35mm, it’s great for portraits, and in this situation, was still wide enough for me to shoot in such a small space.



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