Photo series

Personal project

Art Direction, Photography & Retouching


Who doesn’t like arcades? The bright neon colours, retro typefaces, games from our childhood and some super funky prizes to be won… it’s like a dream! All that plus, the incredible Anastasiia in front of the lens made this a really fun shoot!

The goal for this project with Anastasiia was to create a series of retro styled portraits for social media. Utilising the bright colours found in arcades as the only light source, to create a moody, yet energetic feel.

Shot on Fujifilm X100, 50mm f1.1 Kamlan Lens
Mastered in Adobe Lightroom CC & Adobe Photoshop CC.

Let’s Shoot!

Shooting with the Kamlan 50mm f1.1 is always a fun time. Due to the lens being solely manual focus means I have to slow down the process, focus and frame, and then shoot. Generally speak, i’m not on to just blast the shutter and hope for the best… I find pleasure in the process. Constantly blown away with the sharpness & quality of bokeh from this tiny lens!



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